
Sometimes I watch him…and wonder what he’s thinking. Or if he is thinking anything at all.  His eyes appear empty at times….or maybe it’s just sadness.  On occasion Dad will ask incessantly to go on a boat ride, and when we finally do he appears lost.  He becomes more obsessed about where we are going…or when we are going to eat (a recurring theme).  But sometimes he just looks sad…like he knows he is missing out on something but he’s not sure what it is.  Sometimes as quickly as we leave the dock he decides he wants to go back.

It’s a game of let’s entertain Dad…instead of interacting with Dad. Don’t get me wrong…we can still somewhat carry on a conversation…just keep it simple and about food.

I don’t know why I’m blogging about this…it really shouldn’t be a big deal…it’s nothing monumental or enlightening…maybe I’m the lost one…